Friend Zabud Recognition

An opportunity to mentor and recognize Companions both newly Greeted and recently re-energized.

        *The recognition has set                              requirements
      *Passports may be ordered by                    anyone
     *Awards MUST BE ordered                             through your
        Jurisdiction’s  Grand
        Recorder’s office
*AWARDED – Upon Submission
*RECOGNIZING – Cryptic Service

This program includes two separate items – the Passport and the Award. The Passport is a pocket sized reference that contains the requirements and pages for signatures to keep a record of completion. The award includes a beautiful certificate and a lapel pin which may be worn on your Council uniform jacket.

The Passport is designed as a convenient way to commemorate your journey through completing the requirements of the award. It contains the requirements and provides pages for each completed item to be verified by an approved Brother or Companion (for instance, your Lodge Secretary). This would then be presented to your Grand Recorder so that the award may be ordered.

The award may be ordered by the Grand Recorder’s office upon successful completion of the requirements. The award consists of the Friend Zabud Lapel Pin and the Friend Zabud Certificate, which are signed by the Most Illustrious Grand Master and attested and sealed by the Grand Recorder.

Again, the Passport is NOT required, but is a nice keepsake and may be easier than bringing in certificates or letters from those authorized to sign when you are ready to present your work for inspection. Please confirm with your Grand Recorder what the requirements are in your Jurisdiction.